Saturday, 28 December 2013

Late December wrap-up, part 2

You know how it is. I'm lazy, and it's the holidays, so here's short reviews of this week's pony videos.
"Bronies React: Season 4 Premiere"
After this and their previous "Smile HD" video, I'm happy to say that Bronies React is back in form after their Equestria Girls travesty. Once again, the jokes are inconsistent but mostly funny, and the personalities of the commenters are highly entertaining. It's not one of my favourite videos of the year, but I'm definitely gonna continue watching these videos in the future. Worth a watch.
"DinkySharkFighter32: new camera"
I think the Mentally Advanced Series is dead, which is a shame, because recent Rainbow Dash Presents episodes haven't really made up for it, and I don't like Friendship is Witchcraft. Thankfully, it seems that FiMFlamFilosophy has finally made a video I enjoyed. This one's pretty cute. It's not hilarious, like the Mentally Advanced Series or the better Rainbow Dash Presents episodes, but it's enjoyable, which is a step above their recent fare.
"My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Christmast Yule Log"
Guys, we've got some A-grade stuff right here. You see this? This is a YULE LOG. That's right, you can have an ANIMATED FIREPLACE for 11 MINUTES. How cool is that? And it's got a nice Christmas arrangement playing! Why can't the show's vocal music be anywhere near that good anymore? But you don't understand. This log has got DETAILED ANIMATION. That's right, you heard me. This is a good log. I like this log. Best video ever.

...That's about it, really. There was another fan video, but it was a Fallout Equestria thing I didn't really understand. Of course, makes sense, with Christmas and all. I hope you're having a good time over the holidays!

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